Crash handler

TortoiseGit uses an automatic crash reporter which is based on the crash handler from


This is not just a client side handler, but offers automatic analysis on the server side as well. All reports that are caused by the same crash are automatically grouped together, so we only have to analyze the best dump file of a crash instead of every single one. Without this, there's no way we could handle all the reports we now get!

crash detected

upload crash report

Also instead of only sending a minidump, it can send us a full dump if the crash hasn't been previously reported. We also can ask for a full dump in case the minidump we have does not provide enough information to fix the problem.

Another nice feature is that after you've sent the crash report and the problem you're experiencing has already been fixed, you're automatically forwarded to the corresponding page in our issue tracker. There you can find out more about your problem and decide for yourself if you want to download a preview release or not. is available for free for open source projects. Pricing for commercial projects is shown here. If you want to find out more about how this works, there is a nice video available that explains the basics, a more detailed description and a tutorial on how to integrate it into your own application.

Always send the reports

With so many crash reports we get, we simply don't have the time to analyze every single one of them and that's why we rely on the grouping of the reports on Every sent report is first automatically analyzed and if the same crash was already reported before moved to the corresponding problem. That problem then has its crash count increased.

As you can imagine, we try to fix the problems with the highest crash count first. If you encounter a crash, then please send the report. It will increase the crash count of the problem and therefore also increase the priority for us to fix it. analysis view

Even if you've sent the report before, please send it again if the crash happens again. Because it might not be the same problem even if it appears to be. And if it is, then it will increase the priority of the problem.